To create more abundance, start where you are!

Are you waiting for the abundance in your life to show up before you start living the life of your dreams? Do you find yourself saying “As soon as I have money I will _____?” “As soon as my business gets to certain point I will ____?” I think we often equate abundance...

The Power of Focus

What’s your vision for 2015? You’ve probably set some intentions or resolutions or goals. But what’s your overriding theme for the year? Last year, for the first time, I decided it would be fun to pick a single word as my theme for the entire year — something that...

Reaching your goals quickly – one small habit at a time

During my end of day review yesterday I started to feel a little panic come over me. My week had progressively gone from full to overload. More new clients coming in (a good thing!) had thrown my “plan” for the week. In reviewing all the things I had intended on doing...
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