During my end of day review yesterday I started to feel a little panic come over me. My week had progressively gone from full to overload. More new clients coming in (a good thing!) had thrown my “plan” for the week.

In reviewing all the things I had intended on doing I started to wonder how the heck I was going to work it all in.

What I “should have done” in the moment is taken a few minutes to detail out the action steps needed for two projects I’m working on and have an honest conversation with myself about what was left on my task list for the week. But I didn’t do that.

So what happened? I did it in my sleep – allllll night. My mind and subconscious went to work trying to sort it all out for me. (Thank you subconscious, I appreciate that!).

Ever happen to you?

When I woke today the first thing on my agenda was to get all that down on paper. As soon as I did that I realized that I had a lot of the pieces already, I just needed to pull them together. Getting it down on paper though allows your mind to let go of the process and release the angst and panic around it all.

That end of day review is a powerful process, and a habit of mine, but you have to take it to the finish line. The whole idea is to review and track your progress and make adjustments if needed.

Skip that step and you miss the whole point of the process which is to leave you at the end of the day at peace with where you are, and that allows your mind to let go so that you can sleep and wake restored.

When you don’t do that, whether you’re aware of it or not, your subconscious will try and sort through it all during the night and then instead of waking up feeling recharged and excited about your day, you wake up feeling like you need another 8 hours of sleep and a cup of coffee!

If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed it’s time to ask yourself some questions:

  • Did I take on too much this week?
  • Does everything on my list really need to be done, this week?
  • Is everything on my list in alignment with my goal for this month and the year in total?
  • Which item on my list is most powerfully going to move me forward towards my goal for the month?
  • In light of things that have come up this week, are there some things on my list that are now lower priority or, maybe not even important anymore? Would it make sense then for any of them to be postponed to a later date or removed entirely?

This daily habit of reviewing creates a clarity that is powerful, AND IS CRITICAL, in moving you forward towards manifesting what you want in your life.

It’s one of the many daily habits that I employ. It’s simple in its application and easy to do.

Daily habits like this are the very small, simple steps that create BIG momentum.

It’s one more of the things that I’ll be covering in my Conscious Annual Success Planning Virtual Retreat this Thursday 1/15/15 from 1:00-5:00pm PST.

Registration is open NOW!

Go HERE to grab your spot now!

Enter the special coupon code “75off” and save over 75% on the registration fee. Why? Because I am on a mission to help you, a follower of my BLOG, to create a real shift in how you approach your goals and intentions for the year. And I want to help you do it now, at the beginning of the year, while you’re still fresh and excited about the year!

Make 2015 your best year yet!

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