“Ready to Press the RESET Button?”

Hello Aries! The Sun’s entry into your sign this week marks the start of spring with the arrival of the Spring Equinox here in the N. Hemisphere and the start of a New Year – on the Astrology calendar anyway.

Good timing, too, because I think we could all use a New Year reset.

The Virgo Full Moon just preceding you gives us a way to apply all that fiery energy in a real grounded and practical way.

With your energy we get to:

> Ask the questions “In what ways can I be of service in the world? What do I have to contribute?”

> Explore what parts of our self we want to improve – physically but also mentally, spiritually and mentally.

> Decide what do I want to learn to expand myself and evolve in some way?

Virgo energy also is health-oriented. It’s a great time to stop and reflect on how you can “UP” your self-care and what you “feed” your mind, body and Spirit.

To help you in your self-care quest, the latest edition of my Soulful Life Journal contains a 30-Day Self Care Challenge with lots of nurturing ways to take care of YOU.

Have you seen it?!

Free Soulful Life Journal30-

It’s a bingo board that gives you lots of inspiration for nurturing and taking care of YOU. Pick one self-care square per day to focus on and check off or color in the boxes as you go!

THE BEST PART? For a limited time you can download your copy absolutely FREE. It’s my Spring Equinox gift to you. 😍

Consciously work with the energies of the Moon with the Soulful Life Journal.

This 11-page Journal contains:

* A summary of the energies at play and how to embody the energies of the New and Full Moons;

* A page for Gratitude & Self-Care, including space to journal, celebrate and acknowledge your milestones and new insights from last month;

* Soulful self-care rituals using the elements of earth, air, fire and water for the current lunar cycle;

* Tips for how you can work with the Lunar energy based on where it is falling in your chart; and

* Space to record goals or intentions for the Lunar cycle.

The Soulful Life Journal is included in a Thriving Circle membership but right now, for a limited time you can download a *FREE* copy by clicking HERE.

Yep! No strings attached. It’s gift to you as a member of my online community. 😍

Gift yourself some time to stop and reflect on what’s really important to you and what you want to let go of that no longer serves you (think habits, people, beliefs, stuff) so that you can make room for what is more in alignment with what makes you FEEL ALIVE.

With good energy,


Debra Wilson Guttas, HTP, Evolutionary Astrologer, Author and Soul Sherpa™ behind the Thriving Circle
“Sharing (and decoding) the wisdom of the cosmos – so you can live your best life in your 40’s, 50’s and BEYOND.”

Author of the best-selling book “7 Keys to Coping with Cancer – How You Can Feel Good AND THRIVE (from someone who’s been there) and “BEYOND Coronavirus – 7 Keys to Embrace Change and Create Your New Normal”

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