Create a Vision. Change your thoughts. Craft your LIFE!
“It’s the Science of Vision-Creation.
Simply By Changing Your Thoughts and Actions,
You Can Change Your World To Have Better Health, More Fulfilling Relationships,
More Prosperity And A Greater Sense of Well Being”
When considering what your future is going to be like, most people choose to simply drift along.
It makes me sad.
Some of the most intelligent, well meaning people in the world live a life void of true happiness, fulfillment or a sense of purpose because they did not set goals or visualize what they wanted for their future.
Consider the airline pilot who flies a plane from New York to Los Angeles. Most of the flight is on auto-pilot, where the course is set at the beginning.
But it’s not a straight, point A to point B event. The plane is constantly making adjustments for wind, weather and other issues that may come up which could throw it off course.
It’s the same with your life. Without first setting the course and without making the necessary adjustments, your future will just drift into any direction the wind takes it.
That’s no way to go through life!
The old adage is true: When you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
But it doesn’t have to be that way for you, not anymore.
Today you can decide how your next year, and the rest of your life, are going to look and feel. Right now you can take steps toward a better life for yourself, your career and your family, simply by practicing the art of visioning and goal setting.

I’m Debra Wilson Guttas.
I’ve been where you are.
I know how frustrating it can be to start the year off with hopes and dreams and then get discouraged when you feel like you’re right back where you started. Again.
I want you to know that with the right help and guidance you CAN create the life you want in 2020!
Let me be your Sherpa™!
For over 20 years I have been supporting individuals in creating lives with more purpose, clarity and passion in my work as a coach, speaker, Reiki Master and author. My signature approach combines both spiritual and practical life tools.
This step-by-step program will show you:
How to employ long-term thinking and visualization – that brings you the outcomes you want instead of just letting the chips fall where they may.
How to take real action, no matter how small – that builds momentum to make your vision a reality.
How to eliminate distractions – so you can focus on your vision with the most clarity possible.
How to live with a greater sense of purpose – which will open you up to all kinds of positive experiences.
As a member of this program you will have a new outlook on the rest of your life, and the tangible start of a real plan to make amazing things happen.
Here are just a few of the takeaways from this groundbreaking program:
You’ll learn how to develop a strategy for setting a long-term vision for what you want.
You’ll be able to start turning a simple vision into a manageable, measurable action plan.
You’ll discover how to eliminate distractions by bringing focus to what matters most.
You’ll start connecting your life to a bigger purpose and assure a successful outcome; and
You’ll be able to finally, once and for all, turn your visions into your reality.
…and much more!
A soul-shifting virtual retreat and 90-day coaching program – like no other!
Your Investment
VIP OFFER ONLY $297 $457 (35% SAVINGS)
To maintain a high level of 1-on-1 support, space is limited to 30 participants, so be sure to register now!
Once all spots are taken, enrollment will close for another year!
5th Annual Craft a Life You LOVE Program
90-Days to Planning a Year You Love in 2020
Craft a Plan for 2020 Using a Sacred Process of the Four Elements
There is an Indian proverb or axiom that says that everyone is a house with four rooms, a physical, a mental, an emotional, and a spiritual. Most of us tend to live in one room most of the time but, unless we go into every room every day, even if only to keep it aired, we are not a complete person. (Rumer Godden in A House with Four Rooms)
The four elements of air, water, fire and earth are the gateway to those inner rooms. They support you in creating a Divine alignment between your inner spiritual life and your outer life.
For a Limited Time Only
Your Investment
VIP OFFER ONLY $297 $457 (35% SAVINGS)
In our 90-day Conscious Plan-for-Success Program, I’ll help you:
* Connect with your overarching vision for 2020 – then chunk that vision down into smaller, more meaningful goals you’ll actually DO.
* Set SMART goals – so you can get inspired by visioning what your life will be like once you’ve reached your goal.
* Envision and set the scene for a bigger version for your life – and get guidance from me essential to the goal-setting process.
* Assess how your goals are aligned with ALL areas of your life – so that you don’t leave parts of you behind in the planning process.
* Use our online planning and coaching portal (90-Day pass included) – to add another layer of easy accountability to support you in staying on track to your dreams all the way through the end of February, and BEYOND!
“I really loved the way Debra took us through the four elements as a way to clear out our less than desirable emotions in the year and make room for the things that we truly wanted. I had done her retreats before but this one seemed entirely new, as it used the energy of the four elements to reconnect us with the true nature of the universe and our higher selves. Debra’s methods just work, that’s all I can say.“
Join me in this powerful program that is a LIVE Virtual Retreat, 90-day coaching program and proven planning system — all wrapped up in one!
You’ll learn how to:
Take back your power – identify where you’re getting stuck
Make confident decisions – reconnect with what really “lights you up”
Craft a new vision for your life – and a clear path to get there
Create a plan to end 2020 strong – with more clarity and focus
Use a proven system that works – so you’ll never get off track again!
And in the process, you’ll create the blueprint for how you want your life to look, with more clarity on what you need to do to get there!
“It feels like I’m turning a corner and won’t go back to the old unhappy way of life…it is a very good way of finding your joy. The process helps you to figure things out and be more of who you really are.”
“Extremely insightful to hear from others about their upcoming year goals. I feel it’s a safe place for me to express my goals without any negativity. I would describe it as clearing away emotional debris. Over the past year/6 months, working with Debra has made a positive impact in my life.The unique methods used in her coaching sessions, brings enlightenment and clarity.”
“It helped me to focus on my goals but in a way that I know I’ll do them not just think about them.”
It all starts with our LIVE Virtual Retreat on December 7, 2019
December 7, 2019
10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. PST
(1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. EST)

Complete Planning & Coaching Program, Includes:
LIVE Virtual Retreat:
- 4 hr LIVE RETREAT EVENT / Webcast ($187 value)
- Workbook with exercises & processes
- Access from the comfort of your home via the internet or Skype
- Listen and learn as participants (or you!) get on-the-spot coaching
- Powerful energetic healing & release process
- Your own personal 2020 Vision Blueprint for Success
- Audio recording of the event to download, save and listen to, even after the retreat.
90 Days of Ongoing Coaching, Planning & 1-on-1 Support:
- 90-Day Group Coaching – 90-Days of daily, weekly and monthly group coaching and support to help you stay focused, energized, motivated and making progress towards your goals from December 1st all the way through the end of February! ($143+ Value)
- Access to our powerful but easy-to-use online Coaching & Support Portal, accessible from your pc, phone or tablet
- 1-on-1 Laser Focus Coaching – Two private laser-coaching sessions per month ($127+ Value)
That’s right! You get an awesome combination of LIVE support AND on-the-spot coaching AND access to our popular online coaching and planning portal! The total package if purchased separately would sell for over $457.
Our Guarantee
We are in the business of supporting individuals in creating real transformation in their life. If for any reason you are not thrilled with the content and the potential impact it will have in your life, we will refund your tuition 100% within the first 3 days following the the live retreat. No hoops. Just send us an email.
What's possible for YOU once you have clarity?
“I felt motivated and more prepared for the year ahead. I had insights during the Retreat..that was exciting!”
“Enjoyed this year’s Retreat…This Retreat gave us perspective on what was achieved and gave us an opportunity to vision. The moments that I take time for myself restores me. It was great to share the experience with others on the conference call…A feel good experience to inspire action.”
“I enjoyed completing the ‘In Review’ worksheet outlining my high points as opposed to my low points, realizing that I have more successes than previously realized….A course which will help you clarify your goals, to ensure that you’re on track with what’s so important to you.”
“Seeing that I did have more ups than downs this year. Debra has been transformational for me as an adult. I have been able to recognize some major stinkin’ thinkin’, areas where I can give myself credit.”
“It was reassuring to see my goals wound up being closely matched to earlier priorities set with Debra during coaching!…grounding; calming; confidence-boosting; reassuring (because other women were on the call right there with me; I wasn’t alone!)”
“Great way to clarify your real needs and priorities. Great way to prep for the New Year!…Really received more clarity and confirmation on my priorities for next year. Insightful and gets you down to the nitty gritty if what you want for yourself. ? Love you Debra! You have brought me so much insight. I really love working with you.”
“The portal tools help me see what steps I need to take in order to create a bigger vision.”
This program is for you if you're:
Ready for a focused, step-by-step and very DO-able process to manifesting your goals.
Seeking a proven system to focus on your goals in a way that you’ll do them – not just think about them.
Going through a life transition and trying to chart a new course for your life.
Feeling lost or stuck in how to follow through in taking action on your goals.
Ready to develop a deeper connection to your “self” and do the “inner work” required to get there.
How do I access the Virtual Retreat?
The Virtual Retreat is done in a LIVE, interactive, webinar format. After you register, you will receive an email with the program details. You’ll be able to connect remotely via internet or Skype. That way you can view the slides as I go through the event. If you don’t have internet access, you can still join us by phone.
Am I on the phone or Skype the entire 4 hours?
No. There will be 4 modules that I’ll introduce. We’ll break in between each one where you’ll then have time to work on them on your own, eat, take a bathroom break etc. Then we’ll reconnect at a scheduled time to review, answer any questions you have and share with one another before moving on to the next module.
How do I access the online planning and coaching portal?
Once you register, you’ll receive an email with a link to the online planning and coaching portal. From there you will enter an ID and password that you will use throughout your 90-day trial of the portal. If you’ve participated in the program in the past, be sure and use the same email and the system will reactivate your account.
Where do I go to access the workbooks that go with the event?
All retreat material, including the pre-event planning workbook, your retreat workbook and the recording of the event afterwards are available for your viewing and downloading on the portal.
What if I have questions as I go?
During the event, you’ll be able to ask questions of me live. After the event, you can submit questions in the online course portal itself or directly to me. I encourage you to use the portal because you can get feedback from other participants as well. If you have a question, most likely someone else has the same one!
What if I can’t stay for the entire event?
While I hope that you can stay for the entire event, I understand if you have to leave early or arrive a little late. The event will be recorded and will be available soon after for you to view or download on the portal.
What if I want or need more individual support?
I have kept the investment for this event low so as to make it available to as many people as possible. If you would like more individual support outside of the Laser Focus Coaching Calls, I will make a special offer available to you as a participant in the course.
How do I know if this program is a good fit for me?
That is a great question! Here are some things to consider in determining if you are a good fit:
- Are you really committed and motivated to create change in your life in 2020?
- Are you willing to show up to the best of your ability at the event and make up for any portion you may miss by listening to the recording?
- Are you willing to dig deep to understand yourself better even if it means you need to acknowledge some less than pretty things about yourself?
If you can say yes to the above, then this program is likely a good fit.
If you’re looking for a quick fix, or something that doesn’t require any effort on your part, then this program is probably not right for you. Although this kind of planning is not hard, it does require some effort and commitment to creating a new level of awareness and mindfulness in yourself.
While I have a lot of tools to share with you, I can’t do the work for you. You need to take ownership for your part in your growth.
How much time do I need to allocate to ongoing planning?
Oh, great question too!
It is not my intention to load you up with a bunch of homework. I do provide you weekly reflection processes to set your weekly intentions and then to review how you did. Each one should take you no more than 10 minutes each.
Beyond that, how much time you invest in using the portal to support you on an ongoing basis is totally up to you.
The idea of the retreat is to support you in doing most of the “homework” for your goal-planning for the year. Most people find that a daily check-in of no more than 10 minutes is sufficient in supporting them in staying on track with their goals.
More questions? Please drop me an email!